Monday, August 2, 2010

James Bond and "Russian" Spy Girls

Russian Spies are still all over the internet, with comments ranging from "sexy Russian spy" for the one known as Anna Chapman ( I wonder what they would call her... "Анечка", "Анюта" or "Аннушка" who spilled the oil in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel  the Master and Margarita) to Vladimir Putin allegedly stating that they all were betrayed (chuckle) and that severe punishment is awaiting the traitor.

Incidentally, an acquaintance of mine, who used to work for a US intelligence agency, burst into laughter when I mentioned this... saying that the now-famous Russian Spies were, indeed, betrayed - by their own stupidity.  Apparently, this was one of the most poorly-trained and least professional groups of post-Soviet "intelligence".

Anna Chapman may be the Russian Spy star for the moment... and some may even associate the "sexy Russian redhead spy" with a Bond Girl... but did you know that NONE of the James Bond Girls were actually Russian? I mean, did you realize the Russian Bond Girl characters were never played by Russian girls?

See for yourself:

From Russia With Love (1963)
Tatiana Romanova, a Soviet Army Intelligence corporal assigned to the Soviet Embassy in Istanbul
Played by Daniela Bianchi, born in Italy

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Major Anya Amasova, Agent XXX, (KGB)
Played by Barbara Bach, born in the US

A View To A Kill (1985)
Pola Ivanova - a KGB agent working for General Gogol
Played by Fiona Fullerton, born in Nigeria

Goldeneye (1995)
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova, a programmer for the Severnaya Space Control Center
Played by Izabella Scorupco, born in Poland

The only sort-of exception is the recent  Quantum of Solace (2008), where Olga Kurylenko, born in USSR (now Ukraine) plays a Russian-Bolivian agent Camille Montes.  But here is the kick: apparently, she trained with a dialect coach to perform with a Spanish accent.

Coming next: the James Bond of the USSR and Soviet spy movies.

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